Friday, April 17, 2009

Being Perplexed

They say that there are ample of things which might catch your eye but one must pursue what the heart desires. With this thought in mind one sets some goals and strives to achieve them. Many a times one hits the bulls eye. But at times as the goal is about to be hit, sometimes one gets struck with the worst possibility of not being able to achieve it due to some or the other reason. In such a situation one has to stand with either enough of new ventures or a fresh phase of striving for the current ones
while going through the process of bouncing back to life. And such a process in itself is what can be called as ' being perplexed'.

Your thoughts lead to beliefs which lead to habits which lead to action. This is a commonly known process. Nevertheless, perplexity might cause a disturbance in the chain of thoughts to action.

You might run through myriad of ideas and thoughts. Each might scream and tell you that "Listen, I'm correct." Your mind might have a thousand thoughts about possibilities and ways in which each might take a turn. You might want to choose them all and secure yourself with enough of backups. Shortlisting one out of these could be a tumultuous task in itself. Every possibility starts showing you that way of light. You start judging and weighting each by the pros and cons that it provides. While the pros show you the benefits and green signals, the cons show you the risk taking factors and reasons why perhaps you should rule out this possibility.

While in the commotion of trying to fix on the best possibility the mind goes through a lot of muddled state of affairs. To begin with, you don't understand if, what you had thought as first arising possibility is going to sustain, the way it shows itself to be guaranteeing or will it fail. To avoid the mishap that might be caused by the first possibility you might end up saving a few backups each numbered from one to say ten. And then if you might think that backup one may fail due to so and so reason then I have back up two and so on.

One must zero on his/ her thoughts and backups very perspicuously. Substantially, the backups made need to be strong enough. Most importantly they need to be highly positive and motivated. This could be the best way to come out of perplexity of above kind. Once they are done with, a small tension of addled state sounds to relax.

Now, there are people who don't like keeping backups in life and steadfastly pursue what they wish to achieve. What drives such people is the oneness they have with their ideas and thoughts and having nothing to fall back on they have this immense striving willingness to make it happen at the first shot. Chances that they succeed due to this pursuit are very high as well. But failure due to no or not so strong backups in their case might cause a bit trouble and tribulation; at times even leading to thoughts of whether their decision was a wrong one. But with time and perseverance these people face the resilience of their minds and manage things far better than what they began with.

Ultimately, perplexity is just a state of mind and needs to be tackled with attacking it from what you think is the best way.
Eventually, no matter whether one decides to keep backups or think single minded; what is important is to come out of the discombobulation and achieve your set goal.


  1. Well written! My opinion is that GTD is handled best with a zeal involving perseverence and patience yet dynamic state of mind logically driven in the right direction while enjoying every feeling that comes along until its done. The problem is nothing is perfect and nothing is ever completed so you are never ever done. The concept of moksha is good but not under practical limits

  2. Backups...hmmm may induce grass is greener on other-side inclination!
    Without backups makes you desperate, and hence high rate of success. People always have choice.

  3. :) Thanks for the comments Prasad.
    Ya, people indeed have choices. Sometimes what confuses people is beyond what I have written, but again I would say that everybody knows how to get out of their perplexed world (could be a few exceptions though).

  4. Hey, Thanks Praveen.
    True, indeed inspiring and an extension to my post. Besides, I liked what you said about moksha. Ya, perhaps till the time one is perplexed and entangled in mundane world, Moksha is definitely no a viable option :)

  5. Heyyy,very well written Priyanka..',nice thought, practical and yet very true...Mostly everyone today goes through such phase(*exceptionals r alwez there)but the only difference is how you take it..or individual view of handling the situation .
    People always have options and now as the generation today is well Qualified..they know what they want and how to get it also wat would be their future with it.They are actually prepared for the situation,good or bad. And if they are not prepared for it.. their condition makes them strong enough to handle their condition.. whether good or bad..

  6. Thanks for stopping by and your comments Ranjana. True, when one goes through, be it perplexity or problems, one finds way to come out on his own.
