Friday, June 19, 2009

Why are you still carrying her?

Two monks left on a pilgrimage leaving their temple of silver,

On their long and tiresome way they came across a river.
Near the banks they saw a lady in her own worry,
She was dressed in finery, emeralds and jewelery.

One of the monks went to her to ask her cause of tension.
She said,"There is only one that I would like to mention.
I want to cross the river wide and move on the other side,
But with the finery that I have worn it's difficult to cross the river wide."

The monk agreed to drop her on the other side of the river,
And so they crossed the river wide within almost an hour.
The monk left the lady on the banks and did forget,
The two monks together began their journey ahead.

After an hour the other monk began to complain,
"How come you walked with that lady in your alms in vain?
Why didn't you want the rules of monks to abide?
Why did you lift her to the river's other side?"

The monk initially decided to continue his quiet walk,
But the other monk had no intention to stop his talk.
The monk then replied with a small laughter,
"My friend I left her an hour back but why are you still carrying her?"

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