Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My F1 Visa Interview Experience

When I got my I-20 from my desired University it was all thrills at home which followed with the onset of procedure for Visa Interview. I bought the HDFC receipts and then registered for the visa date. I got a date that was almost two weeks away from the registration date. That gave me ample of time to prepare for the interview.
I had checked out on google for "F1 Visa Interview Questions" and got sufficient enough questions to prepare.

In the mean time I had been to VFS office to submit the photocopies of documents that they had asked for. There was one I-901 fee payment which I missed out on and was not even aware of till I had been to VFS office for photocopies submission. This year I-901 fee was $200 which is supposed to be paid through http://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/index.htm.

After weeks of preparation for the D-day, finally I arrived at the VFS office that took me to the US Visa Consulate.

Prior, I bought the lounge coupon given by VFS office for Rs 250/- which proved to be helpful as I didn't have to stand in the big queue to go inside the consulate. Plus they provided a locker to keep my bag and stuff which helped me since I din't have anyone accompanying me for the interview. It helps even more if your interview is in the afternoon. Not that I'm promoting it, but I had seen some people standing in a big queue that was hardly moving as the time went beyond 10 o'ck. So I felt it helped because I got to get inside the office and sit there a bit earlier. But I had also seen some people who hadn't brought this coupon and yet managed to get in and finish with their visa interview before me.

During my time it was drizzling and single ladies were given first preference for going into the office. So even when my time was scheduled to be 8.15am, we were in the bus outside VFS office by 7.45 am. By 8.15am the ladies queue was ready to go inside the consulate. Before going in, your plastic bag and you go through a thorough check. Unfortunately, I had left a glue stick in my plastic bag which became a problem. They asked me to go out and throw it and then again I had to stand in the queue. Though it was a small one but my number jumped behind from 105 to 127 straight and that caused me a delay for interview call by almost an hour.

So never carry any electronic items, pens, glue sticks etc for your visa interview. You won't require them inside. Just carry papers.

Once inside, first you stand in the queue for taking your electronic finger prints and then you are asked to take a seat till they call your assigned number. I sat on a chair and it was past one hour. I was a bit tensed by now because all numbers before and after my number had been announced. I was afraid if I missed out on hearing my number. But soon the lady on counter number 13 called out my number along with the others which were in the series of number 300 and I rushed in first. It was 10.15am. By now I was a bit tired and thirsty because I din't have water since morning and there was no facility to have a glass of water in the consulate.

But the moment I met the interviewer I simply forgot all tiresomeness and thirst :) I was very glad. I greeted her "Good morning". She first asked me "Which course are you going there for?" , when I told her
she looked at my I20 and told me that I had partial funding. I was surprised because I had a full funding. But this question popped up because my college had also put in the amount which they asked me to show as family funds during application in the column 8 of I20.

She asked me how was I going to make an arrangement for the rest of the money. I told her through family funds and told her that I could show her the papers.
She refused to see the papers and asked me only to answer her questions. Then she asked me "What does your father do?", "What does your mother do?", "How much does your dad earn per year?" When I answered these questions she said "Well, your Visa is granted. Wish you a pleasant stay in the United States."

I came out with a smile . You can see that on everyones face who gets a visa.

I had also seen some people since morning whose Visa was rejected. Reasons varied. One girl was refused because she wasn't funded by her college and she couldn't prove that she had sufficient funds to go to the US.

I felt that it was better to be very well prepared and then not been asked for the documents rather than not taking some documents and then been asked for them by the interviewer.

Overall my preparation for the interview paid off. It's a nice experience and as my dad says it, "No one troubles you for any unnecessary reasons. And when you have a valid reason to go there then the question of rejecting your visa just doesn't arise."


  1. Heyyy Congrats ! ! ! I am very happy fpr you..
    Do well... All the very Best . . .
