Sunday, June 20, 2010

Days Of Favorite Ads

Remember the days of early advertisements on television? Some were really good. I managed to compile a few of them below.

Dairy Milk- it still hits the number one chart in favorite chocolates in India.

Humara Bajaj- the scooter long disappeared but this ad is still fresh in our minds. Loved the music.

Sunny Zip- I really pity the poor left out guy. Don't know why I never found someone like that :D

One Black coffee please- the first time I saw this one I just couldn't control my laughter.

Dhara Ad- The Jalebi boy made a sweet impact on our minds :)

Titan song- sweet gesture by dad to his daughter.

Raymonds complete man- while all the Raymond's ads are good, I liked this one.

Amul Milk- Watch the cute cow in the end :)

I'm a Complan boy and girl- That's Shahid and Ayesha.

Vicks- I was very young when this ad was released. It really made me think that this guy called 'khichkhich' actually lived in our throats :)

Ajanta Clocks- The song was a nice one.

Bajaj Bulbs- How can someone forget this guy?

Lijjat Papad rabbit- O my favorite rabbit.

Parle G-This biscuit tastes awesome with milk. I still eat it even after being in US :)

Liril with Priti Zinta- The peppy lady with her pretty dance.

Fewikwik- funny and convey's the message so coherently :)

Tanishq- A recent but brilliant ad.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Magic Of Love

Perhaps the most commonly used and least understood word 'love', seems to have numerous definitions as per ones convenience. But what is love for real? A feeling, care, a want? what?

There are people like your family that you can't choose but still most of us are privileged to have a family we say we love. There are people who come in our lives and get so close to our heart that we claim to love them. Some say they love god and others love small things that can make them delighted. These feelings are developed over a period of time.

So is love something that can make you happy, make you feel that you are in heaven, get the most of caring out of you? Then why is today's love so indifferent? Why does it think so selfish? Why is it so self centered that it only thinks about itself and not the one it claims to love? Or perhaps even if it does think then where does all the thinking disappear?

Say it's you. You find a person A in your life. After a period of time you think he or she is crazy, you think, think and think and then decide to leave him or her for good. Then the same you finds a person B and over sometime finds him or her acting crazy in a different manner so you decide to leave B and run to C and then to D and then to E and now you say, "wait a minute, how is it that the people I find are all crazy. There should be something wrong with my thought of not being able to love people in my life right from A to E." So you want to talk to E. You say,"E lets talk. Lets try to sort this out....." Now you understand it. If you did prior you would have saved so much of your time.

It took you time from A to E to get wise that love doesn't come out of your wants. It emanates from the understanding. It's not just about being together in good times but also about the rough times. Love is not always happy. It faces its own doldrums. Its sad face is very ugly and perhaps not many want to face it. But even in its ugly and tryst times it is kind, it feels and feels deeply for the one you love.

If you never felt for someone so deeply, if you couldn't forgive someone with whole heart, if you couldn't understand a person and stand by them in their bad times, if your heart never cried for them then indeed you never loved that someone. And if you didn't then try doing it some day. Don't expect in return (or it can make you insane because then you are not loving, but wanting something in return). You may not always succeed and chances are that you may get more hurt than you thought. But you know what, love is miraculous. Loved with all purity of heart, it'll make you really strong. And because you don't expect a thing from it, what you get in return will be far more than what you thought. But do it selflessly. You won't regret to love.

Remember that love is not a form of lust or want. It's just pure love. It is innocent, it knows how to forgive, how to be strong in thick and thin, how to stand and protect in need and how to give even when that's the last thing you have. It is profound, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude towards the one we love. It has a deeper meaning than one can comprehend and yet it is the most simplest and basic forms of life.

As Lord Byron puts it, "
Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may escape, but what's in your heart will remain forever. There is no instinct like that of the heart."

It makes your life worthwhile. That's the power and magic of love.