Monday, December 28, 2009


Unconquered. That's what 'Invictus' stands for. It's a inspiring poem by William Ernest Henley when he was just out of his recovery bed.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

I happened to watch this movie with the same title based on a story of how Nelson Mandela found inspiration in this poem and passed it to the captain of Springbok, that was mainly a minority white team playing Rugby for South Africa, which helped the team move towards victory.

What I really liked about the entire story was the strategy that was used by Mandela to bring the apartheid torn nation united. That's how a true leader thinks. Devoid of any malice and purely for the upbringing of the nation. We need to learn from Mr Mandela. Brilliant movie and brilliant direction with a brilliant message.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

What Makes You Beautiful?

A pretty face, a lovely sight,
Every man would wish to see her everyday and wish to think of her every night.
She indeed had those charming looks,
To entice equally the good and the crooks.
And with beauty and brains to combine.
She looked heavenly, she looked divine.
But at the heart she was a devil.
Something on her mind was always evil.

Very next to her lived this simple girl.
Who wasn't pretty to look at but was a dark pearl.
Though she smiled but that was very rare,
And rarely did she open the bundle of her long hair.
Though her looks never gave anyone a start,
But the best thing about her was her beautiful heart.
And if someone stopped by even for a little favor,
She would never ever say never.

So beauty lies in looks or being?
Does it show with showing or in doing?
Which of the two girls within you is prominent and would rule?
It is for you to think and decide, what makes you really beautiful?

Friday, December 25, 2009

And Even When I Longed For It...

Wants and more wants and running behind them like crazy.
Weird and lost, the way seemed so hazy.
When everything was just there they still were lost.
Frozen and cold and refusing to defrost.
From the window pane now all left was dark and wet.
And even when I longed for it, the sun began to set.

There was a pretty time when things were not the same.
I could control them, they were something I could tame.
Life was busy though, but it was happy and gay.
And everything I wanted all happened in my way.
Even the memories of that time give such a joyful feeling.
I wished I could go back and I'm more than willing.

But now I've come so far that the wants need to be met.
And even if I long for it, the sun will always set.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Imagination. A world that has no restrictions, no boundaries. A world that is untrammeled and unbridled. A world that has no limits and is free to fly wherever it likes...

I enjoy spending time in this world of imagination. I enjoy dreaming. I enjoy imagining that everything looks beautiful and if it doesn't then it will.

I felt at peace when I just heard this song in the morning by John Lennon. It still brings the same freshness and smile that it brought when I first heard it. Every line of it has a true meaning. The song leaves you with an indubitable feeling that it comes right from the bottom of the heart of the writer.

Imagine - John Lennon (cover) | Upload Music

It's every worth imagining as long as it is constructive and leaves a lasting positive impression on peoples' hearts. Making peace with yourself and the world is so very important. If it's not happening at the moment then nothing should really stop your imagination in which the peace begins to get real. After all, there is always a blueprint that precedes the masterpiece edifice, which later goes to become a real structure. You may say that I am a dreamer and if you are not then I'm sure you will soon join me :)